Creating Personal Harmony
Watching seaweed sway to and fro has always struck me as one of the more beautiful and enlightening sights nature regularly has on display.
For me, it’s a reminder that the pursuit of personal harmony is a gentle dance made up of small but constant movements. A reminder to find your rhythm and move within it, rather than struggle rigged against your will and environment. By taking small consistent steps, having the courage to make adjusting movements, you allow yourself to grow, to become more robust, to weather harsher tides and come out stronger and more complete than when you began.
Journaling, meditation, and affirmations, form a complete powerful tool. Journaling, to self reflect, see, and understand your actions, thoughts and emotions over an extended period of time. Meditation, to calm the feelings and allow re-centering of body, mind, and spirit. Affirmations, to set your course and direction to attain ideal chi.
It takes a great many small, constant steps to bring about an ideal change, but if applied consistently, even the most horrendous storm won’t throw you off your chosen course; and finding harmony (whatever that is to you personally) will be as natural as seaweed swaying in the tides.